by Ken Morgan | Jan 14, 2025 | Uncategorized
Just the same as individuals make new year’s resolutions, churches will sometimes use the dawning of a new year as an opportunity to kick off some new initiatives. It’s usual that new initiatives are designed to bring some kind of growth – either in the form of new people coming to church or deeper discipleship among those who already do. Later in the year we’ll take a look at discipleship, so for now let’s have a think about new year’s initiatives to produce numerical growth. It’s very, very common for a church leadership team to ask, “What can we do to grow?” and the most common type of answer is to do something additional to what the church is already doing, which usually means spreading the church’s human and financial resources just a little thinner. It’s an uncommon church that has ‘spare’ capacity just waiting to be put to use. New initiatives usually involve the committed people committing a bit more. A common effort at growth involves a focus around a single event, often with a very broad focus in the hope that lots of new people will attend. Church fetes and festivals, concerts and community carols are common in this category. Less common is consideration around ‘What’s next?’ I asked this question of a church that planned to revitalise their fete targeting its appeal to families with primary school aged kids. Their ‘next’ was a school holiday program.. The whole design of the fete was to engage families (not raise money) and to promote the school holiday program. The fete was ‘successful’ because the school holiday program (same mission focus, one step forward in the pathway) was filled to capacity. If you’re contemplating a new one-off event, consider how people will be invited to a ‘next step’....
by Ken Morgan | Dec 10, 2024 | Uncategorized
The lead-up Christmas is called the silly season for good reason. All of those endless breakup parties, various seasonal activities that have become must-dos for churches, plus numerous family events to wrangle. No wonder we take most of January to recover. Then comes February and we restart all of our regular programming, hoping we’ll have enough volunteers to get all of the previous year’s wheels turning again. With people working extra hours to cover cost of living increases, parents enrolling their kids in numerous extra-curricular activities, and congregations aging, it’s getting harder to secure volunteer hours . Meanwhile safeguarding, OHS and other compliance obligations soak up volunteer time. We can fall into the habit of just assuming that everything we did last year will continue into the new year. We try to do the same things with less resources and by Easter we’re all exhausted again. Working with a couple of hundred different churches over the past 25 years, I’ve observed that most churches try to do too many activities and try to reach too many people all at once, the result being reduced effectiveness and increased fatigue. Effectiveness is not just keeping the wheels turning, it’s creating opportunities for people to become followers of Jesus. I’ve developed rough rule of thumb to help churches figure out balancing sustainability with effectiveness: for every 50 people that attend your weekend public worship services, you can pursue on Mission Focus Group (MFG). If you haven’t heard the term before, an MFG is a demographic, or associative slice of your local community that have a common set of needs or interests. Churches do well to identify specific Mission Focus Groups and tailor...
by Ken Morgan | Nov 12, 2024 | Uncategorized
Church leaders are anxious for their churches to grow. Staying the same is effectively going backwards as congregations age, become more insular and less flexible. Anxiety’s effect on our thinking is narrow our focus and shorten our planning horizon. Anxious thinking makes us vulnerable to casting about for simple solutions that promise quick results. Just run this training package from a mega-church, copy this program that’s working across town, get in a bunch of consultants to diagnose the malaise. Any or all of those options may be useful – but unless they address the underlying culture, they run the risk of just consuming time and energy with little sustainable outcome. Programmatic interventions sometimes promise cultural change, but by themselves are relatively impotent. Culture is personal – based on deeply-held presuppositions that are rarely recognised and even more seldom questioned. Culture is reinforced by hundreds of decisions and behaviours that have often become presumed and habitual. People can undergo training, run a new program and read a consultant report, nodding in enthusiastic agreement while simultaneously perpetuating a counter-missional culture simply by their unchanged, everyday actions. We may spend money, time and effort trying to change, and all too often find ourselves stuck in the same groove. Leaders have a disproportionate influence on culture. Those leaders may be paid ministry staff, members of a leadership team, or longstanding gatekeepers. It’s not unusual for gatekeepers to exert seemingly insurmountable influence on church culture. Sometimes a pastor’s efforts at culture change are swiftly and elegantly extinguished by well-entrenched...
by Ken Morgan | Oct 3, 2024 | Uncategorized
‘Just do it’ – so goes the oft-appropriated strapline of Nike Inc, the world’s largest supplier of athletic shoes and apparel. If you’re a church leader, there are lots of ‘its’ to ‘just do.’ Books, blogs, podcasts and workshops on church growth, evangelism and disciple-making will provide you with an overwhelming number of ‘its’ you should ‘just do’ in order for your church to fulfil the great commission. And I know you’re feeling tired just thinking about them all. Although it’s mentioned every week by most Anglicans, the one ‘it’ that doesn’t get a lot of airtime is that dreaded r-word: repentance. Merciful God … we have sinned against you … we have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves; we repent… or do we? We’re wary of talking about repentance, because it’s indissolubly linked with guilt – and the psychological zeitgeist suggests that guilt is intolerable and inducing it is unforgivable. So we quickly breeze over this section of the Sunday service, and so doom ourselves to the hamster-wheel of more and more ‘its’ we should ‘just do’. Competitive athletes engage in repentance all the time. I’m a swimmer, and I make an ongoing effort to swim faster and further. I could just try harder, thrashing the water with poorly-formed strokes, ineffective kicks and mistimed breaths. But I would rather repent: identify flaws in my technique, think differently about my actions and seek to conform my movement to an efficient ideal. Sure, a coach correcting me is uncomfortable, especially when it’s for the umpteenth time. Changes to technique invoke new muscle-movements that initially leave me sore. Churches can get caught in a...
by Ken Morgan | Sep 17, 2024 | Uncategorized
“What’s the difference between an organist and a terrorist?” asked the vicar with an ironic smile. Without waiting for a response they continued ruefully, “Sometimes you can negotiate with a terrorist.” Gatekeepers: those entrenched holders of influence that seem to be a feature of every small church, rural footy club and all kinds of other long-established organisations. Sometimes they’re organists, sometimes they’re the former chair of the board, the leader of the catering committee, a descendent of the founder. Gatekeepers are people who generally have a very high sense of ownership and responsibility for the welfare and longevity of the group they serve. They often have a long history of hard work and generous giving. They’ve usually held a variety of leadership roles over the years and may still serve on a variety of boards and committees. They’re invested. They’re known and often loved by everybody. So what’s the problem? Ownership and investment may translate into being entrenched. A gatekeeper differs from a regular hardworking member in that a good degree their investment is in maintaining their position of influence, prominence and recognition. As a social species, humans automatically form hierarchies and instinctively protect their positions, mostly without conscious awareness of the drive to do so. Gatekeepers need the church or club to continue in order to maintain their identity and sense of purpose. Losing their status feels like losing themselves and they’ll instinctively fight to ensure that doesn’t happen. In churches, a sense of belonging and importance are indissolubly linked to familiarity. Knowing who everyone is, where everything is located and...